
Pete the Cat teaches us that sometimes we can make the situation better through our attitude, and sometimes by the way in which we solve the problem.  Being content with what you have is an enduring lesson in this story.  Pete the Cat’s contentment is clearly not only with his shoes but also with his life.   He’s one cool cat!


Pete the Cat…I Love My White Shoes!
Written by Eric Litman
Illustrated by James Dean

Pete the Cat goes walking down the street wearing his brand-new white shoes.  Along the way, his shoes change from white to red to blue to brown to wet as he steps in piles of strawberries, blueberries, and other big messes.  But no matter what color his shoes are, Pete keeps movin’ and grovin’ and singing his song……because it’s all good.

How many of us can think that way?


Two Art Activities –  Two Different Age Groups

For younger children…..

Materials:  Blue paint, paper (white, blue, red and yellow)
1.  Make a handprint on the white paper
2.  Cut out Pete’s head, shoes, and eyes
3.  Glue paper parts to handprint
4.  You can stop now or cut around Pete and glue him onto contrasting paper.


For older children………

Use the step by step drawing guide of Pete the Cat to create your drawing.  Keep it simple like the drawing guide, or draw all of Pete the Cat with his cool shoes.

The final piece was done by a 5 year old.  🙂


“I love my white shoes!”